On this blog I present student projects from past years for GEOG 2010 (Introduction to Human Geography) and GEOG 4031 (Latin America and the Caribbean) to illustrate some of the range of topics and approaches possible. The examples are presented anonymously, and their inclusion has nothing to do with their quality or the grade they received. Seniors in GEOG 4031 typically, but not always, produce more advanced types of projects than Sophomores in GEOG 2010. When perusing these example, please think through the issues involved in doing such projects. Similar to a term paper based on library research, you must choose a project based on what you have learned through the readings, lectures, and response paragraphs so far in the course but one that allows you to develop a deeper understanding of a topic that is personally interesting and exciting to you and use it to demonstrate your deepening understanding of some aspects of the course material. Also similar to such a term paper, you ...